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Jamaican Passport Application Guide

If you are a Jamaican citizen and you want to process and / or renew your passport, please read our guide. Where you will find the requirements and required documents.

  • General Information
  • Documents Required
  • Signing the Application Form
  • Photos
  • Fees
  • Submission of Application
  • Processing Time
  • Certification of Application


We provide some safety tips to make your trip more enjoyable, as well as some legal data should keep in consider when visiting Jamaica to prevent any incident.



After obtaining his visa and you are ready to travel to Jamaica. We recommend some of the most tourist and visited places that can offer you a pleasant experience.



Before making your trip to Jamaica, you should consider that this is a country of tropical climate; so we advise you to take the necessary measures for the trip and avoid any kind of incident.

Honorary Consul of Jamaica
Eduardo Kafie

Eduardo Kafie is an entrepreneur and philanthropist Honduran, born in Tegucigalpa on June 30, 1953. He is vice president of the Executive joint of Dairy Honduras, S.A. (Lacthosa).

Eduardo Kafie, in 2006 created the Social Fund «Chito and Nena Kafie» in honor of  socials actions that their parents developed for many years. Today the Fund is known as the «Chito Foundation and Nena Kafie».